Friday, 30 April 2010

Perceptual process

Perceptual process

Perceptual process is something we learnt in lecture and in this blog I will be explaining What the Perceptual Process is and what is involved in this process?

Also during this blog I will discuss how the perceptual process procedure works. And what influences humans for example it could be their experiences.

In order to interpret things around us the male and female undergo perceptual process, from sensation to perception.

These are the main three stages of the perceptual process which consists of Sensation, Attention and interpretation.

However as all individuals are unique the perception would be unique, reason being as everyone would experience things differently from others.
Sensation refers to the immediate response of our sensory receptors which involve eyes, ears, nose, mouth and fingers to such a basic stimuli as light, color and sound. Solomon,M.Bamossy (2006)

These are the five sensory which you use to interpret things.
· Sights
· Sounds
· Smell
· Tastes
· Touch

Below is and Overview of the perceptual process taken from Solomon,M.Bamossy (2006)

you take advertisments for example of how adverts on billboards catch our eyes you could notice how Advertisers make great use of the big space available to them and the use of bright colors which draw ur attention towards the advert. Advertiser’s use our sensory’s it’s in the end how we interpret things around us from advertisements to even shop other surroundings.

Kotler’s Buyer Decision Process.
Kotlers’s buyer decision process consists of five factors which are the following
Problem recognition ,Information search, Evaluations of alternatives. Purchase decision, Post purchase behavior

Below is a Black box model of consumer buying behaviour ( )

Harvard Perceived risk Model.
This theory was established in the 1960s by Harvard school of business, according to the theory the consumers look into what the financial risks are, how long will it actually take the consumer to make the decision to purchase.

Consumers will look into the performance if it is to the standard it the requires to be, which initially is a risk. Other factors which are looked into is whether this will affect the buyers social status ( e.g. new car) and finally what risks are involved in the purchase which may cause harm.

How I see the Perceived Risk Model is that Most of the time people tend to think about the risk of buying anything for example a laptop or and car. Let’s take the car for an example, a lot of thought is always put into when purchasing a car, why this is because the buyer always thinks of the following , The risk, finance, performance, if it drives to the standard there told.
If bought on finance there could be a risk and may not be a risk. The risk could be that the finance could increase or you may lose your job therefore would be unable to pay the monthly instalments or perhaps would it keep up to the standard it requires to be.

Buying a second hand car which is hardly old is still a risk. Buyers tend to think what could be the risk of buying a car which is barely old. Not worrying about finance as he is paying cash. The main concern would be the fact he is not purchasing it from the dealer therefore would not have a manufactures guarantee which are available on most cars.

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